Darren elevated at Furness RAM
The latest recruit to the crew at Furness RAM No 375 is Darren Stainton. Darren is the present WM of Furness Mark Lodge No 36. It is perhaps somewhat appropriate that the ceremony he underwent was one of elevation as his hobby is being elevated to several thousand feet before leaping from the aeroplane and free-falling back down towards earth before deciding to pull the cord to see if his parachute is in fact working. No wonder then that he did not appear at all fazed at being conducted through another masonic ceremony.
Peter Clafton, Darren Stainton, Ian Cottam, Kieron Mullan and Alan Jones
Worshipful Commander Ian Cottam set the standard for what was n excellent ceremony. He was assisted by Alan Jones who acted as senior warden as well as presenting the working tools. The signs and steps were explained by Kieron Mullan. It was a great team effort.
Harry Kilgour, John Parrott, Bill Joughin, Darren Stainton,
Nigel Higginson, Peter Quirk and Jim Richards
Senior Deacon Peter Clafton led the candidate through the ceremony in a commendable manner.
It was pleasing to have four visitors in attendance from Duddon Mark Lodge in the adjoining province of Cumberland and Westmorland.
A pleasant supper rounded off what was another evening of good ritual and friendship.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear